Evan Carcaterra

Vancar Productions LLC

chemistry album cover.jpeg


by Vancar

In his latest release “Chemistry”, Vancar uses Indie rock, pop and soft rock to explore friendship and love. It is an ode to flirting, trying to catch the attention of a girl who caught his, in a playful and romantic mode that takes the listener to the place of bliss and wonder we all have within ourselves. Vancar offers this tender act through his songwriting skills full of poetic gems and upbeat multi instrumentals. The incredible vocals performed by Daniel P. Feldman, are the perfect medium to bring to life Vancar’s poetic mastery by giving the lyrics the overflow it needs to drive the message of the song home. A compelling fusion enjoyed by the masses while appealing to the Indie aficionados.


Produced, Written, Lyrics: Evan Carcaterra

Vocals, Guitar: Daniel Philip Feldman

Bass, Piano, Organ, Keyboard, Drums, Backup Vocals: Evan Carcaterra

Mixed and Mastered by Pete Novak, Ventura CA

Album Photo: Clay Blackmore, Rockville MD

Album Design: Steven Spassov at Music Promo Today, Quebec, Canada